19 September 2009

life since january...

its been a while since I have posted here and to be honest i really dont have that much of a good reason. but, moving on, hopefully things will be a little more consistent as far as the posts go.
with that said...here is what is on my mind right now...the name is Oholibamah and as odd as it might appear it can actually be found in the Bible! How cool is that name? doesnt really fit with the culture and times in which we live but that doesnt take away from how cool the name is! the reason for this cool name reference from Genesis is that currently i am in the midst of a challenge to read through the entire Bible by the end of the year. By the end of tomorrow I will already be in the middle of the book of numbers after just two weeks of reading. so, look back in the coming days for insights and cool things i pick up on my trip through the Bible!

21 January 2009

temporary tattoos and cruise control

Yesterday I had the opportunity to relive part of my past as well as enjoy one of the many comforts of today. As I prepare to leave on a 3 month trip, I have been scheduling meals and coffee meetings with friends and family alike. Last night was no exception as I was set to have dinner at a friends house in nearby Pine Valley. Being that Pine Valley is roughly 40 minutes east of where I live, I had the opportunity to experience the joys of cruise control for an extended period of time. It was amazing to sit there and not have to have my foot on the gas the entire time. I plugged the ipod in, sat back and enjoyed the ride. When I got to their house was when I had the chance to relive the past in the form of temporary tattoos. You see after dinner I had the chance to pick my favorite tattoo from an expansive collection that my friends two daughters had acquired and we then proceeded to put them on. It was actually a whole lot of fun and brought back many memories. When the evening was over, I jumped back in my car with my fresh temp. tattoo and proceeded to "cruise" all the way home.

19 January 2009

over the line...

Growing up, my brothers and I played all sorts games in the front or back yard at my parents house. As we got older, the yards tended to get a lot smaller and a home run just didn't have the same appeal. So, a number of years ago we switched games around and began to play over the line. The idea of the game is the same but with a few added twists. On top of that there is an evolving list of rules that hasn't stopped growing since day one. All of that comes together to create the best front yard game ever and the most popular event in the neighborhood.

With that said, there was another epic game of OTL in the front yard this afternoon. It was amazing not only because my team won but also because I got out of my hitting slump and did pretty good! OTL is a fun game for the whole family to play (my sister even comes out every now and then!) and one that I will miss whenever I move away.

16 January 2009

only in san diego...

I always knew san diego was an amazing place to live but i never thought it would be this awesome! how many places in the unites states are there where you can comfortably walk on the beach in shorts and a t-shirt? not many if any and that is what i did yesterday! it was awesome!

08 January 2009

being sick sucks!

So, its only the 8th day of this new year and I am already sick! I can put up with or handle a lot of challenges or obstacles but the one that I hate among most others is being sick! Its just a head cold with a nose full of stuff but it has brought my pace down to a crawl! Feeling better now that I took some meds and had a nice long shower so I actually might try and got to work. We will see what happens with that.

04 January 2009

the first post of 2009...

Its only the fourth day of 2009 and already there is so much to write about. Here are just a few of the highlights for me so far in '09.

Got to spend a few hours at the Bass Pro Shop and it was amazing! I am not into hunting or fishing that much but the experience was still amazing! If you are ever near one, its worth the time to take a look!

Witnessed a mother teach her boys manners firsthand at Starbucks one morning. As I was enjoying my drink, this mother stopped right outside the doors of the coffee shop until her two young boys worked together and used all their weight to open the door for their mother. I thought it was pretty cool and am glad there are a few boys learning to be polite in the younger generations.

Finally and perhaps my favorite highlight from a very young 2009 was the message on Ephesians I had the privilege of listening to this morning. It was awesome and I am looking forward to the weeks to come!

25 December 2008

reflections on christmas 2008...

Sitting on the couch in view of the tree with a fire going and Christmas music in the air...what a place to be! Most gifts have been unwrapped and put away and the excitement is gone...for now. Even though its not over yet, Christmas 2008 has been a memorable one to say the least! What has made this Christmas different from years past is the unique international flair. Here are just a few of the "international" highlights...

Spent Christmas eve in Mexico with my brother, sister in law and her family

Helped deliver gifts to a refugee family from Iraq

Got a phone call from a friend in Benin, West Africa

Listened to my mom practice her Chinese over the phone with a new friend

Talked a lot about my upcoming trip to Kosovo

WOW, what a Christmas! So much has happened and the day is not even half over yet! Amazing!